How to maximize your Google AdSense profits
How to maximize your Google AdSense profits
How to maximize your Google AdSense
Google's program for placing AdWords ads on non-Google websites.
4 key facts
automatic money with AdSense.Small as well as large websites can get
ads on them. Whenever someone clicks on an ad on your site, you get
Google collects the money from the advertiser, keeps some of it, and
passes the
rest on to you via a check in the post. Some clicks can earn you more
than $5
dollars a time.
technology means AdSense ads are relevant to your site's traffic.Google
automatic content-targeting technology to select what ads will appear
on your
site. This system is quite sophisticated (but not 100% reliable) and
the ads on your site will be relevant to your traffic. This means the
ads are
likely to get clicked by your traffic and make you money.
your advertising space for you.Google has a massive network of over
advertisers using its AdWords advertising system and when AdWords ads
appear on
your site they are called AdSense. This means that when you sign up for
AdSense, Google offers your site to all its advertisers - at a price
that is
determined by supply and demand through the AdWords real time automatic
process. (This auction process is complex - I explain the details in my
course below.)
maximize your AdSense profits if you understand how the program works
detail.AdSense is underpinned by Google's AdWords system and in short,
if you
know how to get high paying AdWords ads on your site, you will get ads
on your
site that pay you a lot per click. You don't want ads that pay a few
cents a
time, you want dollars!
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