Archive for April 2009
Fear of Failure in the Forex Market Our approach to trading is defined vision and expectations. For example, if we are too scared, we refuse to take risks, and in extreme cases may even be afraid to enter the transaction. Our expectations are, consciously or unconsciously, have a great impact on the results of trading.
Traders are faced with many typical fears, and in each of them is based on beliefs and assumptions, which should be identified and refuted. For example, in his book “Trading in the Zone, Mark Douglas provides such fears, causing many mistakes: being wrong, losing money, get out of the game, leave the money on the table. Many of these fears reflect a fear of failure.
The best way to neutralize the fear of failure - to identify the main assumptions underlying it, and refute them. Albert Ellis, an eminent physiologist, claimed that all the emotions, like fear, is a set of basic assumptions and beliefs. Often these assumptions are “inadequate”, they limit our actions. Rather than see the problem in person, we avoid to have with them, trying to deny their existence. Often, however, it is useful to identify our false assumptions and change them.
The basic assumption underlying, for example, fear of failure, it is the belief that we need to be completely competent, adequate and successful. Ellis argues that this belief creates fear and anxiety, which traders have often generates fluctuations and uncertainty in itself. The emergence of this belief is understandable. As we grow, whether at home, at school or at work, we are often faced with the adverse effects of lack of experience and begin to believe that it should be perfectly competent, adequate and successful in everything we do. However, we are in favor of the faith. If we believe that there should always be competent, we spend all our precious mental energy to overcome the negative consequences of failure, rather than focus on what we do here-and-now, to implement our business strategy. Traders, convinced that they must be completely competent, spend all their time to care about what they did wrong that could go wrong and how to cope in the event of failure. These distracting thoughts, they mask the flow of direct experience and the ability to assess the current state of the market with the same accuracy.
Do not let fear of failure to resist the success of your trading. You do not have to be perfect. It will tell you a seasoned trader, everyone is doomed to make mistakes from time to time, and if you have any problems with them breaking, you’re so worried and scared that make many more mistakes. So oprovergnite inner conviction, the underlying fear of failure: to remind ourselves that it is not useful to believe that you should be perfectly competent, adequate and successful. No trader can not conform to this standard, and attempts to become one (what irony) will lead to the incompetence and failures.
IFX Market and FX Solutions
As a trader in FX market, you should be fuly aware of market components and financial institutions there. As a large market, there are many brokers, clients, and banks. Every category of them has a certain number inside it. Each broker seems as an opponent for the other. It is a war like between them, each broker wants to grasp as large number of clients as it can for more advantages.
Seems as bad intuition, but this is the world of business, "survival for the fittest". And you have to accept and believe what you see to avoid confusion and bad psychological signs.
In this war, the last battle was for the side of FX Solutions. Following up the news, we learned that IFX Market, a large well-known broker, was bought by FX Solutions! A big surprise that wasn't expected at all. And what is exotic here is that the capital of IFX Market is larger than that of FX Solutions. Besides, IFX Market has made good revenues during the last year, which makes from it a strange act to drop its business this sudden. Why should a successful, profitable, well-known broker like IFX Market relinquish all this to a broker like FX Solutions? And for what?
Adding to the mystery here, do you remember that millionaire who was disappeared and n o one knew the reason? That millionaire had accounts at FX Solutions with millions of dollars, and his disappearance was after funding his accounts there. But what we are sure about is that, there is no rational guy in all the world is willing to put millions of dollars in somewhere and leave them, even if it was for benevolence intentions (mark here, benevolence isn't made for brokers, it is made for those who are in need).
Many equivocal things taking place out there, and we need clear explanation for that. How can traders feel safe in a world full of ambiguity, suspecion, and vampires! Trade for innocent, clear causes, not for cruel and evil intentions. Why to make use of people's intentions for our own interest?
The essence of life lies in making lessons out of our experiences, not just living for nothing. And for FX traders, take care people, and don't trust any firm to deal with, or any guy doing nothing but just raising his voice pretending to say the truth, while we all know that he who raises his voice is doing that out of his weakness, while the right stands confident needless to fight.
Central banks
National central banks play an important role in the foreign exchange markets. They try to control the money supply, inflation, and/or interest rates and often have official or unofficial target rates for their currencies. They can use their often substantial foreign exchange reserves to stabilize the market.
Before they take their first steps on the foreign exchange market, you must make sure that you take the time to consider whether the Forex currency trading is right for you or not. Whether you know, or think, not always from the situation that you send. They must also know that all investors are not a means of exchange for foreign currency and if you're one of them, and you know the end, May will find it is too late, because you already incurred losses for many. If you personally doubt about their decisions when it comes to their goals of the investment or its actual experience and the risk, you should consider talking with an Easy-Forex brokers. If you decide that you do not want to talk to, he would run the risk that their investments across completely destroyed.
Forex Currency Trading and a Forex Broker
If you will speak to a forex broker, it is important that you take the time to know what all and what to look, if you know, a broker on the exchange. With regard to the process of selection, it is very important that you take the time to see the reputation of the entire corridor and take a look at the experience of the currency and hallway. You want the research in the hallway can be done and you also want to take the time to speak, online forums, so that you can speak to anyone who had an experience at first hand with the broker and the company that he or it works. Many brokers in foreign currency to be done to provide an excellent customer service and quality to make him their money. The message that I expect from you is that the process of finding the hall, the time and also a little pressure, also.
Forex Currency Trading and Easy Forex
As you know, the currency market or foreign currency exchange market has no real place you want to cut their teeth as a trader. In fact, we know that beginners can easily get their fingers burned. However, you should always remember that inexperience is not the only reason that you must be based on the use of a currency corridor to achieve trade in the international market, which is known to be a high risk of currency market. You will find that one thing is just as important as the temperament of a market of high pressure that is the right temperature if there are variations which is widely known too fast around them and also as a pendulum. It is important that you are able to adapt to the transactions that take place when it comes to foreign exchange forex trading, you need also to take the time to make sure that you are able to maintain a constant and clam on their head shoulders. You learn that fear and greed known to be enemies of a successful businessman when it comes to forex currency trader.
Forex Currency Trading
If you are a trader and are interested in the Forex currency exchange, it is important that you take the time to learn about the different approaches that you have to participate effectively in the Forex currency. There are many systems and strategies that are not there, you can use to your car when it comes to currency trading Forex. In the next article, I tell you one of these systems that can be used to verify the correct approach to trade in currency exchange altogether. The system that I am about to say is the Easy-Forex, this system will be the first step in the currency exchange operator, as it is not easy to get started on the market for the first time in his car without any help at all. Those who try to do on their own are more common to leave and not only after the first time that they have suffered damage.
A Forex Tip
Practice rational - not emotional - trade.
The decisions should be guided by reason, not emotion. During the negotiations - remember this last point Exchange - gut feelings should be discarded. Once the fear, anger or hope, is involved in the decision-making process, it is difficult to be objective and rational thinking. By offering a wide range of marketing tools, including charts, indicators and daily reports, Finotec gives him the means to succeed. The exchange rate is not a game of chance: the more skills and knowledge gained, the greater the chance of success.
Trade single currency is interesting and potentially very profitable, but there are also significant risk factors. It is very important that you are quite understand the impact of margin trading and pitfalls and opportunities that particular trade in currencies. On these pages, we offer a brief introduction on the foreign exchange markets and their participants and some strategies can communicate. However, while never calling into question all aspects of a business, you can at any time to discuss the issue with one of our distributors. They are available 24 hours a day in the Saxo Bank-Online Trading System, SaxoTrader.
The benchmark is the service of their effective implementation, accurate analysis and experience - all been achieved and, at the same time attractive and competitive cost structure. Today, Saxo Bank proposes a Europe of the first round of all services for trade in derivatives and currencies. We count among our staff many traders and analysts, each of which has a long experience and knowledge broad and diverse markets - and acquired in our countries of origin and international financial centres. If trade in currencies, futures and other derivative products, we offer 24 hours of service, daily reviews, customized access to our research and analysis for the division of requests and immediate execution of transactions on our international network of banks and brokers. While on a price much lower than most businesses and private investors normally have access.
Combining strong emphasis on customer service, our business strategy and strategic recommendations and reports on various programmes, in collaboration with the availability, to offer our customers the latest news and information to build a strong argument for trading on an individual account of Saxo Bank.
Terms of Trade, on an individual basis, depending on the scope of their operations, but are generally much lower cost compared with banks and insurance brokers. Its margin of bail in cash or in government securities, bank guarantee, so large companies or institutional clients are available for trade on the strength of its balance sheet. The minimum deposit for trade with individual depending on the nature of the account. Trade confirmations and real-time account-Overview are based on SaxoTrader, but also information about accounts in accordance with their specific requirements.
Trading Currency Through Online Forex Brokers
Access to foreign exchange (forex), the most extensive market on the planet, is generally through an intermediary known as a forex broker. Similar to a stock broker, these agents can also provide advice on forex trading strategies. This advice to clients often extends to technical analysis and research approaches designed to improve client forex trading performance.
Financial institutions are generally the most influential in the currency market by great quantities of high monetary value of forex transactions. Historically, banks have access to dominant positions in foreign exchange markets, but on the Internet, each currency speculator can also enjoy 24-hour access to funds in currencies of the individual.
Secure Web connections today allow many forex traders to work from home, where easy access to information and other reports technical advice on decisions to take positions change. Similar movements are underway by securities intermediaries, which are also outside of banks and other traditional institutions.
Their market needs will have an impact on their choice of broker Exchange. Forex online brokerage firms, known as houses, to give the new Forex market with detailed research, advice and simulators to learn to use their tools of trade in currencies. The experience served as a change in line with other brokerage houses, with in-depth advice, but less focused on teaching exchange based on the assumption that you are familiar with the currency market. To make an informed decision, it is advisable to trial several different currencies brokerage and online trading tools to find the best fit their needs.
Have you ever tried to make money and not online?
Have you followed their recommendations and guru?
Here is an alternative ...
Have you noticed that when someone is trying to sell something - as a system to make money - not always see a lot easier than it is?
Let us take a look at two Internet businesses, almost as diametrically opposed as it is possible, "Internet marketing and foreign exchange Forex.
You have probably the old Internet ", a top location, and. It is not true!
You can create a Web advertising dollars for an often and still not come because they do not know where to look!
Let us take a look what you have to have a success of Internet marketing companies.
First, you need a product. If you look at the current reading of the Internet marketing blurb know, you need a niche product.
In fact, what is new niche, but what we can, you need a product for which there is a strong demand, but weakness in the bid.
Find a market niche, is the most difficult part of the process, but we say that you are a murderer, something else can I do?
The List.
Let all of Internet marketing and say that the most important part of their business is their choice on the list.
For the people in his file in general, to give them something of value, like a book-mail free of charge or a report on a topic on the broadest product range.
For the parties need to keep in contact with them and provide them with information, tips and tricks.
To the exclusion of the list, you need a website (but there are other ways to promote their list, too) with the functions, the people on the list to subscribe.
It is also necessary to have a murderer murderer site with a copy to describe and sell - a product of his murderer. The May May or not, that the same as for the opt-in list.
Murderer of a copy.
It may be that you're not a good columnist. There are many books on the subject, which can help you, or you can pay someone to put pressure on you.
You need a domain name, preferably with a certain connection with the product, but the domain name is always difficult to find.
In order to bring people to its site, first you have to deal with the search engines.
SEO (search engine optimization) is an art in itself. You can bowl on the subject or pay someone to work for you (but note that all the experts are).
You can also ads in the list of newsletters and e-zines. Everything is taken into account, even if you receive a free display against an article.
To automate your business needs an answering machine. This intelligent e-mails automatically to any person of your choice in the list in previously determined intervals, and copied by default.
For example, a number of embassies, for example, five parts of a free, a day during the first five days.
Then, e-mails are sent once a week, the advertising of a product each other.
Each time a user logs on to the list automatically from the start so that everyone receives the full cycle of marketing material.
We have not studied marketing and marketing, but I am sure that the picture.
The basic idea of the auction through the Internet sounds good, but there is much more to most people realize.
The foreign exchange: forex
Someone said that trade is the last frontier, the last place where men and women can stay until the hole and against the world.
It seems very wild Westish but most of it is true! You win or lose entirely by its own efforts and if you win, that's how your own bank.
But even the possession of a bank is a company and you still have to work hard to make money there "and hold!
In contrast to the Internet for marketing, where all their efforts, in a way or another, aimed at the people on their list and then to sell
The foreign currency from customers. It is worth repeating, with foreign exchange, the customers do not need.
That does not mean that customers do not need the partner, accessories, which deals with Internet marketing, such as:
Domain Name
Opt-in list
Papers and reports
Answering Machine
Any other form of marketing Sides
"So far so good, but what to do and what you need? Now, you need to know what the prices of currencies.
You can get a list of prices at the end of each day free for negotiations on many websites. If you want to trade during the day intraday trade,
You can in real-time prices for a reasonable price from several suppliers database.
In the course of the foreign exchange market, known under the name changes, you can use this data for mapping and free software on many websites.
Well, it is simply too little. To trade foreign exchange, it is necessary to analyze the data and to determine what the price is subject.
In other words, we need a system, and we must examine and devotion.
There are many other things you need to know, also known as "the terminology of trading, margin, leverage, the management of money to the species, traders and psychology.
But everything is in electronic books and courses and on the Web.
In addition, they require a little money in advance to finance its own operations. With the money can be as little as $ 300-500, although it is advisable again.
So if you are not the constant search for new clients, new products and inventive marketing techniques,
You have to do a kind of education or training before they begin, and you have the discipline during the hearing.
A little money is either online or offline. Make sure you know what is at stake before you start, and remember that you are in a society, there will be more.
A stock market simulation game is a good way to their investment in the skills to invest before they "really" money in the stock market.
The simulation games are often played on the Internet where people can live, the excitement, to invest in shares without risks, costs or afraid to lose money when and whether they are a bad investment.
Many teachers and professors of banking and finance are using the stock market simulation games to their students the basics of investment in shares. The largest stock market simulation games with a fee to start, but there are some who are not charged. It must not be prior knowledge about the stock market for membership.
It is the Stock Exchange and the simulation games in general:
First, the players. After registration, the player an amount of the initial "virtual" money to invest in companies of their choice. Players, a portfolio of shares to buy and sell operations in the company. Most exchanges use of simulation games in real-time data on the market.
The goal of most stock markets of simulation games is simple:
To increase the value of his portfolio in equities higher than the other players of the game.
Here are some tips on choosing a stock market simulation game:
• Choose a stock market simulation game, which is used and recommended by prestigious universities, schools, colleges, associations, investment brokers in the areas of training, teaching courses and other groups of people who study the markets of the United States. UU. and in the world.
• Choose a stock market simulation game that is simple and fully in the implementation throughout the economy, investment or class. A good stock market simulation game should be included in the trading stocks, options, futures, mutual funds, the obligations of the United States and many of the largest markets.
• Choose a stock market simulation game, which is a useful, reliable and realistic simulation of negotiations at a reasonable price to members and others who are interested to know more about the investment and trade. The game simulation should have a certain capacity for a variety of tests of investment strategies.
• Choose a stock market simulation game that a number without fees from the customer service telephone number and an excellent e-mail. The role of support should be able quickly to issues affecting the members / players have May.
• Choose a stock market simulation game that is easy to use and easy to learn, even those who have never been a real hands of the investment.
These are just some tips to remember that for the planning and operation of their small businesses:
1st Take time to explore and understand that you are or are not compatible with our own activities of enterprises. Some people are just happy and a better financial situation at the other end of the wage.
2nd.Get your personal finances in order. Before jumping into the world of entrepreneurship, you'll need your own money issues squared away.
3rd Choose your niche. Many owners of small businesses successfully in companies that are ambiguous or innovative concepts. Make an inventory of your skills, interests, the history and professional selection of companies, suits you.
4th Enjoy the business plan. The exercise of preparing a business plan, which pays dividends. If you check with the difficult issues facing the meter running.
5th No scream in need, banks and investors at the beginning of your business. The vast majority of small companies are bootstrapper.
6th To the right depth. In the first months and years in your company, you need to acquire much knowledge. About the context, you need to cover all aspects of their activities but to determine which tasks should be contracted or sub-contractors employees.
7th Remember that nothing happens until a sale takes place - How many good products, which go nowhere because they are not in the shelves? Sales in your profession. You need a good marketing plan to sell your product or services.
8th You must see a customer awareness. No matter how busy you are, for at least 25% of their time with customers. Can the right business decision without its position.
9th Resolve the problems of their customers. The best option for their customers by selling the products themselves, but provide solutions for their problems. There is a big difference.
10.Quality minutes to lose to, but the years to recover. The quality is not a destination, is a journey without end. Once you have lost the way of quality, its journey May differ at all.
11st Turn the economy in the first place, honors seconds. In the small business profitability must come first. Learn how to measure the money in circulation and to understand the key financial indicators.
12nd Location trailers. If you're planning to have a company in growth, the number is a duty together a team of employees.
13rd Not only that to do so. Find a such help for small businesses, couples, a mentor, the professional associations. You can help some of the trials and errors in your company.
14th The seller also partner! The treatment of suppliers and their customers and the growth of their partnership.
15th Take advantage. Understanding how insurance and other benefits for their employees and reduce their charges into account same time.
16th Ignore questions with a scheme at their own risk. FBI, State and local authorities, licenses, permits and registrations. Note her face or lose their business.
17th About the tax laws. Investment in understanding the tax issues that her small businesses.
18th It is people! What he in a small company into the hands of people who work for him. The development of the economy is the result of their efforts.
19th Fast, well, cheap. Select two. Serious problems for those who attempt to be all three on the market. Stick with what you do best.
20th The development of a passion for learning. As your business grows, you need to change and grow with it. A common denominator can be found in the success of all owners of businesses and a passion for learning.
It is understandable that millions of people have ambitions, desires or wishes to move to their own business. Let's face it, millions of people are in jobs that do not like, or any satisfaction. Economically, they receive the one month to another, but can not create real wealth. It seems a constant strain to make ends meet; frustrations are common because people have little control over their own lives, have to live every day in their employers' cage; frustrated land like eagles with their wings clipped.
Maybe they are helping to make rich businessman, but what of themselves? Not all deserve the freedom, wealth, the owners of successful businesses enjoy?
What is easy to forget is that, generally, businesses have been built with much blood, sweat and tears. Running a business is hard work, running a successful business is even more difficult. The successful usually have a vision, taking calculated risks, researched, worked long hours and have learned from the mistakes and the inevitable setbacks. They have learned about their market niche, how to run a business, marketing, finance, and law as it affects them in their business. Despite what you see now is a big business in the corporate offices bright, you can be sure it was built from hard graft.
Ah, you're thinking, that was before the Internet. Anyone can do it now! I am sorry to disappoint, but having a successful business on the Internet requires too much hard work, but involves a lot of learning, maybe years of frustration, more than a false dawn that was lifted into the sky and turned back down on the nearest rock.
Does all that put you off having your own business? Does seem much like hard work? Do you want the benefits without the hassle? Do you mind the rewards of their heads, but turn their nose at the thought of hard work? If the eyes of any of these questions, then you are prime fodder for the Get Rich Quick schemes:
Welcome to Internet Danger Zone
Once you start turning their attention to making money online, which will soon be bombarded with hundreds, thousands, of "opportunities". You see the promises of millions of dollars, doubling your money every few days, making $ 1000 to $ 1000000 in just a couple of years, the promise of thousands of people who pay $ 20 in your Paypal account for the rest of his life ; instantly work with any companies, such as someone else will do the work for you.
Now stop and think about it. Be honest with yourself. How realistic is all the claims? While each is possible, how they are really sustainable?
Many newcomers to the world of Internet businesses are wary of scams, and that is good. There are scams, many of them. But the greatest danger is not deliberate fraud, but poor management. The fact is that it is easy to establish an online business, which encourages people to do who have no idea how to run a business, plan for business success, manage finances, etc.
Get rich quick this article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner author of the website changes direction.
We provided some largest dating website , You can find more friends and more love! and Search thousands of personal ads start dating online find a date, that someone special, make new friends for socializing, meet sports friends and sporty dating partners. Create your Free personal ads, find friends, make new friends and discover how to meet other like-minded people today!
Here are some useful online marketing methods:
1. Write blogs on popular sites to promote it.
2. Promote your site on big forums by creating topics or replying.
3. Create friend circle on some social networking sites to promote it.
4. Create groups on Yahoo, MSN, AOL, etc to promote it.
5. Add comments on related news, blogs or articles.
6. Submit it to search engines.
7. Advertise your site on Google or Yahoo. This proves to be cost-effective and mutually beneficial.
8. Join some popular chatrooms to promote your site in smart ways.
9. Upload some videos for your site on Youtube or other video sites.
10. Advertise your dating site in local radios, play ad, magazines, etc.
11. Write articles about dating tips and special feature of your site.
12. Exchange links or banners with other related sites.
You also are encouraged to use some offline marketing method as followings:
1. Invite friends, friends of your friends to visit and register on your dating site.
2. Use business card, fly sheet to promote it when joining social activities.
3. Use lawn signs printed with site name in your neighborhood.
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A Dating Affiliate Program appears to be today one of the best options in the online marketing. Another great option as a new string on your bow would be to find some subject that you feel familiar with, something you're passionate about. If you know something in-depth, there will be easier to grasp what your audience is looking for. However, choosing a viable subject is paramount, or at least adapting the subject you're willing to work with to your target audience. Select the public profile you aim to reach first, so then, choose the product which would bring in better results. The more focused your site traffic gets, more consumers it will attract for your affiliate program.
The next step would be submitting your website to the main search device in order to render it more visible and thus, easy to reach out for by the audience seeking that specific product or service. That is, to promote your site on the web, also called SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Techniques, or SEO Marketing.
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Anyone who has researched ways to make money online has probably come across a scam or two. Marketing scams have been around for a very long time, but the Internet has made it much easier for them to proliferate. If you want to make money online, it’s critical to know as much as possible about marketing scams. Following are some of the more common types of marketing scams.
Pyramid Schemes
A pyramid scheme is similar to multi-level marketing (MLM), which involves participants buying products to create commissions for the person who recruited them. The recruits then recruit new participants from whom they will earn commissions, and the person above them also earns a commission on their recruits.
MLM is not a scam in and of itself, but pyramid schemes are. Instead of selling products, participants in a pyramid scheme simply receive money from their recruits, who are then asked to recruit people to pay more money in, and so on. This is illegal, and often results in loss of money for all but the people at the top of the pyramid.
Envelope Stuffing
Those who want to work from home but lack formal education are often thrilled when they find opportunities to make money stuffing envelopes from home. With promised pay of a few dollars per envelope, it sounds too good to be true. And it is.
Advertisements for envelope stuffing jobs usually ask interested parties to send $3 to $5 for more information. Victims do not think twice about making this small investment because of the promised pay. But when they send in their money, they receive instructions to place ads just like the ones they responded to and send respondents the same instructions they received. They are only paid when someone orders more information about stuffing envelopes.
Affiliate Marketing Scams
Affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to make money online, and it is fairly easy if you run a website or blog. All you have to do is link to advertisers using a specially coded link, and if a sale is made, you receive a commission. Lots of reputable companies have affiliate programs, but as in any case, there are a few bad seeds.
There are some warning signs to look for. An affiliate program should always be free to join, because you are not required to buy a kit or samples. Some programs that charge fees are just fronts for pyramid schemes, and others might take your money and run. You should also be able to easily find contact information for the company. If you’re in doubt, search Google for information about the company. If it is a scam, you’ll probably find complaints online.
Marketing scams can cost opportunity seekers lots of money, and being taken in by them can be very disheartening. By doing your homework on any company you consider getting involved with, however, you can usually weed out these scams. There are legitimate opportunities out there, so don’t let the fear of being scammed stand in your way.
Forex scams can take many forms. Some scams can be compelling or seem to be very legitimate. They take advantage of traders seeking the magic answer to winning in the forex markets. Unfortunately, there are no easy answers. Here is a quick list of some popular general forex scams.
1. Signal Sellers
It seems like a new company springs up every day that has the signal service to beat all signal services. They profess to be able to sell you information on which trades you should make. These signal sellers usually charge a daily/weekly/monthly fee for their service and usually do not offer anything that will help improve your trading. There is no such thing as having a magic key to the market and if there was, why would you sell it?
2. Phony Investment Funds
In the past few years, funds called HYIP(High Yield Investment Program) have popped up all over the place. Most of these(if not all) are scams. They promise you a high level of return for temporary use of your money in their forex fund. It is a type of Ponzi scheme where the investors of yesterday get paid back by the investors of tomorrow. Once the fund runs out of prospects, they usually close down and take whatever money they had with them.
3. Miracle Software
There is no software that will figure out the forex market for you. However, a quick google search will turn up plenty of software sellers that say otherwise. Some companies out there are selling their special "packages" for upwards of $5,000 and many times it turns out to be something that you can find on the internet for free. It is generally not advisable to buy any type of forex software that will tell you which trades to make.
Forex (foreign currency exchange) is a relatively unregulated market with high potential for gains as well as high potential for loss. These two factors, high potential for gain and soft regulation, have attracted swindlers from all over the world. These scam artists use the allure of Forex to steal millions from unsuspecting investors. Let me start by showing an example of a current Forex scam.
All it takes is a couple minutes on Google and I quickly find a few Forex scams. Take this one for example: The company has bought Google ad space and their site shows on the first page of my search. The website reads "Guaranteed 200% Interest Per Month", Minimum Deposit: $5000, Maximum Deposit: $999,999, Investment Length: 30 days; Fast Withdrawals!" To the novice Forex trader it sounds great. All I have to do is send them my money and I will soon be making 200% per month - wow!
If you continue reading you find that they use a lot of flowery verbiage to explain HOW they trade. They talk about "security" of funds and the "stability" of their company. On the 'About Us' page they have headlines like "Professionalism", "Reliability", "Trust", and my personal favorite "Process Ability". Under 'Process Ability" they write: "Correct prediction of reversal of exchange rates outflow by using timely analysis of our department, received news, their processing, and also positions' control during technical and fundamental analysis;". It only takes 5 seconds of reading this site for a REAL Forex trader to see the scam. But to the unsuspecting person, who has heard of the huge potential in Forex, this sounds like a dream come true.
So how does the Forex newbie avoid Forex scams and find real Forex products?
First off, remember the saying "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." There is NO such thing as guaranteed returns in Forex let alone a guaranteed 200% per month. Forex can be VERY profitable but it is NOT easy and there is rarely weekly consistency. If you see a Forex company including automated Forex systems making such claims - beware.
Two. Research the company presenting the opportunity. In the case we discussed a moment ago, it only takes a quick look at the company's website registration to find out there are inconsistencies in the story. The website was registered in July of this year but the company claims to have started in June. Also, they provide false business contact information in their site registration.
Never give up control of your money. In Forex, you NEVER should have to send your money to someone other than a fully regulated Forex broker. If you decide to have someone manage your funds for you, you still maintain control of your funds and your Forex account.
Speak to the people behind the Forex opportunity. Many Forex opportunities are completely legitimate. If an opportunity is legitimate the company will be more than willing to speak with you directly. Never invest in any Forex product without having contact with the individuals responsible for that product.
Does the company disclose the risks involved with trading Forex? Forex is a risky investment. If a company refuses to acknowledge that, they are misleading you. It doesn't matter whether you are considering a Forex managed account, an automated Forex trading system, Forex education, Forex trade signals, or any other Forex product. If they are offering you something to do with Forex, they MUST disclose the risks of trading Forex to you.
Don't let emotion get the best of you. There is something exciting about the possibility of making 200% per month guaranteed. This excitement often blinds people from reality. They want to believe SO bad that something is real that they overlook the obvious.
Forex is a legitimate investment opportunity. Thousands of Forex traders make a significant living trading the Forex market everyday. However, don't let yourself get sucked into the Forex scams that seem to be too good to be true. Because they are. Use common sense and the tips I've provided above to avoid being the next victim of a Forex scam.
Trading Scams
A forex trading scam is any scheme employed by certain people to trick individual traders by trying to convince them of gaining a high profit margin by trading in the foreign exchange market. The forex market has long been plagued by swindlers able to prey on the gullible in order to defraud them of money. Gullible foreign exchange investors can be defrauded of thousands of dollars in a forex trading scam.
A typical case of a forex scam happens when investors are promised with tens of thousands of dollars in profits in just a matter of a few weeks or months in return for an investment of a thousand or so dollars. When an investor agrees to take part in the scam, the investors money is never actually traded on the forex market. It is usually diverted to an unknown account for the personal benefit of the scam instigators.
The nature of the forex market is that it is a zero-sum market. This simply means that whatever one trader gains, another trader loses. Unlike in the stock market, there is no instance that everyone profits in the foreign exchange market at any one time. There are always winners and there are losers, although it might not be on a single transaction.
Forex scams may be identified for their common characteristics. One of the obvious signs of such scams includes promises of large profits. Most forex scams try to attract unknowing victims by guaranteeing high returns for low risk investments in certain currencies. Masterminds of forex scams also use high pressure tactics to convince investors to immediately send money through money transfers or through overnight delivery companies.
These scams may come your way through advertisements in newspapers and magazines. Such ads promise high rewards for supposedly low risk investments on the foreign exchange market. Some scams may even make use of unsolicited phone calls to contact prospective investors and use their high pressure tactics to convince people to take part and invest in their scam.
One of the ways to avoid becoming a victim of such forex trading scams is by being aware of these signs. Another way is through a bit of investigation. Before investing on a supposedly attractive deal that you suspect to be a scam, try to investigate its background. Before you give any amount to a certain forex company offering highly profitable guarantees, try to check whether the firm involved is registered with the CFTC or the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission or the NFA or the National Futures Association.
Legitimate Businesses Online
The home business industry can be very alluring to some: the idea of making lots of money with little effort has its appeal. In fact, many people recognize this as being the principle reason why people decide to start their own home business online. But I think many people get cold feet as the old saying goes "it's too good to be true, therefore it must not be.
How many times have you heard about a great home business or Internet venture opportunity? Or even emails from far off land seeking your assistance to uncover wealth you are supposed to share? Probably more than you care to remember. But to go along with this how many of these home business opportunities ended up being a scam? Again, probably quite a few.
Hopefully, you were never the victim of any of these scams. But unfortunately there are others who probably fell for these �opportunities.� The fact of the matter is that these scammers would not be wasting their time if they were not making any money. And as long there are gullible people in this world, these scammers are going to stick around to trick more and more people.
The best way to avoid a home business scam is to thoroughly research each opportunity before you move forward with it. This means doing much more than simply reading a bit about it online. You may get lucky and end up with a good home business opportunity, but chances are that you will not. Not only will you want to read what is available on the site itself, but you will also want to search for other information as well. Check with third party review sites and on message boards and forums. You may find out soon enough that a certain company has been reported as being nothing more than a scam.
You may also want to check with the Better Business Bureau if you are thinking about getting involved with a home business opportunity that you are not sure of. They will be able to tell you if they have any complaints on file. If they do, you will want to avoid the opportunity at all costs. But if it appears that a company is doing business the right way, you can continue your research.
Before you decide to do anything, attempt to get in touch with the company that you are interested in. Can you get them on the phone? Do they respond to your emails? If you cannot even talk to a company before you start, there is not chance that they will be around when you need them. This is one test that you can run early on in order to ensure that you are dealing with a reputable company. If you do happen to get an employee on the phone ask them questions in order to get some feedback on the company. Anything that will give you better insight into the home business opportunity is a good question.
Overall, Internet home business scams are all over the place, which also places a burden on legitimate businesses to prove themselves. Do your part in putting them out on the street by not falling prey. The best way to do this is through extensive research and questioning.
Welcome Back, If an entrepreneurial bug has you business planning, brainstorming, and chomping at the bit, you'll appreciate a few tips on starting your own business. All great small business opportunities start with a great business idea, but It can't stop there.
Smart Business Planning.
Have you ever wondered why its "OK" for the small business failure rate to be around 95% after 5 years? And if you think that stats a bunch of bunk, I invite you to site some credible resource that shows different, I've looked. Business planning has to be on the short list of common reasons small business start ups fail. Traditional business planning many times points to core business processes. Accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and cash flow are the targets of the traditional business planner.
Business planning: An Alternative Approach.
Creating forecasts and sales targets, while widely accepted and quite useful no doubt, leave a bit to be desired given the failure rate of people starting their own business. If you have a great business idea and your ready to start your own business, here are a few more tips that I've learned and find useful.
* Is your idea built off an existing idea or market?
* How will you fund your business?
* How can you start your business with 50% less funds that planned now?
* What significant differences does your business MODEL have?
* Which weighs more on your expecting success, the business model or the business idea?
* Why will you business surpass ridiculously unfavorable odds of success?
* Do you have a genuine love for the idea you intend transform into a business?
* Does you business have to "look" successful, how much will this cost?
* Can you form partnerships with existing businesses that are related but not competitors?
* Can you provide product or service to an audience in another state or nation?
* Is your idea scalable? Will it work with 5 customers and 5,000 customers?
* What is the impact of growth on profitability?
* Is the business idea one that can innovate an grow into other "related markets"?
* Is automation a key element in your idea? What is your function as the entrepreneur?
The Best Small Business Start Ups.
In his book, Good to Great, Jim Collins talks about what you can be "the best in the world at". What is that your business idea will be the best in the world at? One of the things to consider when business planning is to understand your niche. Many people starting a small business are finding that a niche that used to be considered to small because of geographical restrictions is now a top small business idea to start. The Internet as a means of connecting with customers around the globe is a major contributor to the micro-niche trend. Whats your micro niche?
SEO For Small Business
Small business entrepreneurs using the Internet to market their small business products or services have a new SEO course provided by none other than Goggle itself....
Before you download or take a look at the course, I'll tell you it is not a definitive guide. But it will get you started in the right direction. If you have a free SEO course (Tell How Much if Not Free!) or newsletter, would you please let us know by providing a link in the comments section. Comments on this and our other blogs should be "DO FOLLOW"... I will also be adding other courses as they come to my attention.
Free Seo Courses For Small Business
If your a small business owner who is looking into the possibilities and advantages and trying to compare the expense and risk of doing business online, it gives a good idea of what is involved in maintaining a successful website for small business online. The free seo course can be downloaded at the bottom of this post. We also invite readers to post other course they offer in the comments.
Online Business Course
If your an entrepreneur who already has a website it might not offer anything new, but it may offer validation that your going about it right. The course is current and that is valuable in and of itself. With so many free website builders and SEO friendly blogging platforms available to small business owners its tough to really know what is the best way to approach SEO.
I like to say the proof is in the pudding. I don't think it makes sense but I know what it means....
In the case of proof in small business online, we are talking about sales. From the Search Optimization perspective were are talking traffic. If you getting traffic, your doing something right. If your not, but have content that is original on your website or small business blog, then success may be a few tweaks away.
We offer a Search optimised website package you can learn more by visit our affordable SEO solution for small business page. Look at the top of the site and go to "SEO"
Bright ideas
Menudo; oatmeal; french fries. Toast with honey; ginger ale; Coca Cola. Scrambled eggs; bananas; grated fresh ginger in congee.
If your stomach just did a flip-flop, it's probably a good thing you're not suffering from a hangover. But if you should find yourself in that situation this holiday season, reach for one: Each is thought to be a surefire cure.
As alcohol sales spike, hangover remedies (and prevention) may come in handy for many New Year's tipplers. Here are five things to keep in mind before you've had one too many - or after.
1. Use caution: If you're having a holiday party, designate a bartender who can keep an eye on how much everyone is drinking and avoid over-serving guests, the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States recommends. Providing food and nonalcoholic options for party goers also is a good idea.
2. Try an ounce of prevention: Eating almonds or peanut butter before drinking is thought to prevent intoxication, according to The site also advises that evening primrose oil and prickly-pear cactus extract help prevent hangovers.
3. Slow down: Some say "coating" your stomach helps before and after. "Have an appetizer that includes dipping good bread into olive oil," recommends Dale DeGroff, author of The Essential Cocktail: the Art of Mixing Perfect Drinks. "I learned this from my Italian grandfather. Olive oil coats the stomach and (the oil and bread) slow down the progress of the alcohol from the stomach to the bloodstream, where it rushes to the brain . . . That is when the problems begin."
4. Don't count on the Joe: It's a myth that coffee will help sober you up. Caffeine may help with drowsiness, but it doesn't counteract the effects of alcohol on decision-making and coordination, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Water is good, but time is what you need to metabolize alcohol. Give yourself a while to return to normal (and learn your lesson about peppermint-schnapps shots).
5. Try a sure cure: Want to be free of these problems entirely? DeGroff, the master mixologist, has this to say: "Two sure-proof ways to avoid a hangover: 1. Don't stop drinking. 2. Don't start drinking."
NOW IT’S TIME for you to get going—here are practical and specific steps you can take to start your new e-business.
Remember, although the technology may seem intimidating at first, I’ll explain everything in detail so that you can see how easy to use it has become in recent years. More important than any technology is you. It is your creative new business idea that contributes the crucial value to transform lifeless software into a vibrant new million-dollar
Technology makes today’s entrepreneurs more powerful than any generation of entrepreneurs in history. Today, from your home you can log on to the Internet and build e-commerce storefronts, stock them with goods, market to millions of people, and build profitable business relationships worldwide.
Furthermore, using the software and services offered by others to build your business lowers your overhead costs and allows you take advantage of millions of dollars worth of software and technology expertise.
This process is called outsourcing, and the easy-to-use software service you use to do it are available from application service providers (ASPs).
Technical analysis is appointed to analyze market movement (the movement of prices, volumes and open interests) using the information obtained for a past time. Mainly, it is the chart study of past behavior of currencies prices in order to forecast their future performance. It is one of the most significant tools available for the forecasting of financial markets. Such analysis has been an increasingly utilized forecasting tool over the last two centuries.
The main strength of technical analysis is the flexibility with regard to the underlying instrument, regarding the markets and regarding the time frame. A trader who deals several currencies but specializes in one may easily apply the same technical expertise to trading another currency. A trader who specializes in spot trading can make a smooth transition to dealing currency futures by using chart studies, because the same technical principles apply over and over again, regardless of the market. Finally, different players have different trading styles, objectives, and time frames.
Assuming that you already have your own ideas, or that you have used chapters 1 through 8 to determine the products/services you want to sell, here are the seven specific initial steps that successful entrepreneurs take when launching a new e-business.
1. Domain name selection
2. Choosing a website hosting company
3. Website design and construction
4. Copywriting
5. Optimizing
6. Marketing
7. Operations
A DOMAIN NAME is the part of your website address between the “www” and the “.com” or “.net” ending.
Domains are also often referred to as URLs (pronounced either as “you, are, ell” or simply as “earl”). It stands for “universal resource locator,” which is the technical name for the full address of a website.
Your domain name should match your business’s brand name as closely as possible. Whether you choose to include the “.com” extension in your advertising graphics or not, the basic branding of your business should tie your products and business name and domain name (URL) tightly together. This will help consumers recognize and remember your company better and also reduce customer service confusion later.
Most short and obvious domain names have been taken due to the explosive growth of the World Wide Web in the past ten years. Don’t be discouraged, however! There are still many good URLs left if you are a bit creative.
URL Brainstorm
The method that I recommend to find a suitable domain name involves brainstorming lists of keywords associated with your products or services.
Try the following six steps to generate your own URLs:
1. Mentally review the business you are proposing to build.
2. Start a list with three columns in your Millionaire Idea Journal (or create a document in Microsoft Word).
3. Fill the first column with nouns associated with your business’s products or services. You should think of as many nouns as you can, using your imagination to come up with different ways of expressing the primary service that your business offers.
4. The second column should be a list of adjectives that can be used to describe the nouns in your first column.
5. The third column should be additional descriptors that can modify the phrase you create from the keywords in the first two columns. Most useful are possessives or nouns that suggest that your website is a retail space.
6. Try combining the nouns and adjectives from the different columns to create different URLs.
The results of this word combination exercise can be a wide variety of potentially useful URLs for your new business. For example, Quality,,, and Discount all have much higher probability of being available to you than They are also more memorable for your customers. If necessary, use a thesaurus to help find synonyms for words you like.
Foreign Exchange
Accumulation swing index (ASI) An oscillator based on the swing index (SI.) A buying signal is generated when the daily high exceeds the previous SI significant high, and a selling signal occurs when the daily low dips under the significant SI low.
American style currency option An option that may be exercised at any valid business date throughout the life of the option.
Arbitrage A risk-free type of trading in which the same instrument is bought and sold simultaneously in two different markets in order to cash in on the divergence between the two markets.
Ascending triangle A triangle continuation formation with a flat upper trendline and a bottom sloping upward trendline. (See Triangle.)
Ascending triple top A bullish point-and-figure chart formation that suggests that the currency is likely to break a resistance line the third time it reaches it. Each new top is higher than the previous one.
Atekubi A bearish two-day candlestick combination. It consists of a blank bar that closes at the daily high; the current closing price equals the previous day's low. The original day's range is a long black bar.
At par forward spread Forward price is zero; therefore, the spot price is similar to the forward price. It reflects the fact that the foreign
interest rate is similar to the U.S. interest rate for that particular period.
At-the-money (ATM) option An option whose present currency price is approximately equal to the strike price.
The money market is a market in which the cash requirements of market participants who are long cash are met along with the requirements of those that are short cash. This is identical to any financial market; the distinguishing factor of the money market is that it provides for only short-term cash requirements. The market will always, without fail, be required because the needs of long cash and short cash market participants are never completely synchronized. The participants in the market are many and varied, and large numbers of them are both borrowers and lenders at the same time. They include:
■ the sovereign authority, including the central government (“Treasury”), as well as government agencies and the central bank or reserve bank;
■ financial institutions such as the large integrated investment banks, commercial banks, mortgage institutions, insurance companies, and finance companies;
■ corporations of all types;
■ individual private investors, such as high net-worth individuals and small savers;
■ intermediaries such as money brokers, banking institutions, etc.;
■ infrastructure of the marketplace, such as derivatives exchanges.
A money market exists in virtually every country in the world, and all such markets exhibit the characteristics we describe in this book to some extent. For instance, they provide a means by which the conflicting needs of borrowers and lenders can achieve equilibrium, they act as a conduit for financing of all maturities between one day and one year, and they can be accessed by individuals, corporations, and governments alike.
In addition to national domestic markets, there is the international cross-border market illustrated by the trade in Eurocurrencies. Of course, there are distinctions between individual country markets, and financial market culture will differ. For instance, the prevailing financial culture in the United States and United Kingdom is based on a secondary market in tradable financial assets, so we have a developed and liquid bond and equity market in these economies. While such an arrangement also exists in virtually all other countries, the culture in certain economies such as Japan and (to a lesser extent) Germany is based more on banking relationships, with banks providing a large proportion of corporate finance. The differences across countries are not touched upon in this book; rather, it is the similarities in the type of instruments used that is highlighted.
The Big Ben Strategy
Big Ben is a currency-specific trading strategy designed to capture the first directional intraday move that often occurs within the first few hours after the Frankfurt/London market openings, which begin at approximately 1 a.m. ET.
The strategy works best with the British pound/U.S. dollar (GBP/USD) rate.
Because this currency rate trades lightly outside of London trading hours, the surge in trading every morning in the U.K. gives it a “real” market opening, which the strategy looks to exploit. Figure 1 shows pound/dollar trading is virtually nonexistent during Asian trading hours. When London opens, however, the pound/dollar accounts for nearly one-quarter of all forex trading. Currency rates with more continuous, 24-hour trading will have less of a distinct open/close as they pass through the different money centers.
For example, the dollar/yen rate (USD/JPY), which dominates forex activity during Asian trading hours (78 percent of volume), still accounts for 17 percent of trading during European hours.
Before explaining the specific logic behind the methodology, let’s take a look at what needs to occur for a trade to set up.
The rules
The following rules are for short trades, but the strategy can be reversed to trade on the long side.
1. The pair makes a new range low at least 25 pips (a pip is the forex equivalent of a tick, or minimum price fluctuation) below the opening price after the early Frankfurt/London trading in the GBP/USD rate begins around 1 a.m. ET.
2. The pair then reverses and trades 25 pips or more above the opening price.
3. The pair then reverses once again to trade back below the intraday low established in step 1.
4. Sell a breakout (at least seven pips)
below the London low.
5. Once filled, place an initial protective stop no more than 40 pips above the entry price.
6. After the market moves lower by the distance between the entry price and the stop, cover half the position and trail a stop on the remainder.
These simple rules position you to profit from common behavior that can occur in the pound/dollar when the London/European market opens.
The activity of commercial and investment banks in the money market centers around what is termed asset and liability management of the main banking book. This book (also known as the liquidity book) is comprised of the net position of the bank’s deposits and loans as well as other short-term, high-quality debt instruments (e.g., certificates of deposit, Treasury bills, etc.). The major players in the money markets must manage their exposure to the risk of adverse movements in interest rates as part of their daily operations in these markets. Accordingly, an understanding of asset and liability management, as a branch of banking risk management, is essential for a full understanding of the money markets as a whole.
In this chapter we present an introduction to asset and liability management.
Asset and liability management (ALM) is the term covering tools and techniques used by a bank to minimize exposure to market risk and liquidity risk while achieving its profit objectives, through holding the optimum combination of assets and liabilities. In the context of a banking book, in theory pure ALM would attempt to match precisely the timing and value of cash inflows of assets with the cash outflows of liabilities.
Given the nature of a bank’s activities, however, this would be difficult, if not impossible, to structure. Moreover, it would be expensive in terms of capital and opportunities foregone. For this reason a number of other approaches are followed to manage the risks of the banking book in a way that maximizes potential revenue. ALM also covers banking procedures dealing with balance sheet structure, funding policy, regulatory and capital issues, and profit target; we do not discuss these facets of ALM here. The aspect of ALM we are interested in is that dealing with policy on liquidity and interest-rate risk, and how these are hedged. In essence the ALM policy of a commercial bank will be to keep this risk at an acceptable level, given the institution’s appetite for risk and expectations of future interest rate levels. Liquidity and interest-rate risk are interdependent issues, although the risks they represent are distinct.
As it was mentioned above trading on the Forex is essentially risk-bearing. By the evaluation of the grade of a possible risk accounted should be the following kinds of it: exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, and credit risk, country risk.
Exchange rate risk
is the effect of the continuous shift in the worldwide market supply and demand balance on an outstanding foreign exchange position. For the period it is outstanding, the position will be subject to all the price changes. The most popular measures to cut losses short and ride profitable positions that losses should be kept within manageable limits are the position imit and the loss limit. By the position limitation a maximum amount of a certain currency a trader is allowed to carry at any single time during the regular trading hours is to be established.
The loss limit is a measure designed to avoid unsustainable losses made by traders by means of stop-loss levels setting.
Interest rate risk
refers to the profit and loss generated by fluctuations in the forward spreads, along with forward amount mismatches and maturity gaps among transactions in the foreign exchange book. This risk is pertinent to currency swaps; forward outright, futures, and options (See below). To minimize interest rate risk, one sets limits on the total size of mismatches. A common approach is to separate the mismatches, based on their maturity dates, into up to six months and past six months. All the transactions are entered in computerized systems in order to calculate the positions for all the dates of the delivery, gains and losses. Continuous analysis of the interest rate environment is necessary to forecast any changes that may impact on the outstanding gaps.
Major currencies
The U.S. Dollar.
The United States dollar is the world's main currency – a universal measure to evaluate any other currency traded on Forex. All currencies are generally quoted in U.S. dollar terms. Under conditions of international economic and political unrest, the U.S. dollar is the main safe-haven currency, which was proven particularly well during the Southeast Asian crisis of 1997-1998. As it was indicated, the U.S. dollar became the leading currency toward the end of the Second World War along the Breton Woods Accord, as the other currencies were virtually pegged against it. The introduction of the euro in 1999 reduced the dollar's importance only marginally. The other major currencies traded against the U.S. dollar are the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, and Swiss franc.
The Euro.
The euro was designed to become the premier currency in trading by simply being quoted in American terms. Like the U.S. dollar, the euro has a strong international presence stemming from members of the European Monetary Union. The currency remains plagued by unequal growth, high unemployment, and government resistance to structural changes. The pair was also weighed in 1999 and 2000 by outflows from foreign investors, particularly Japanese, who were forced to liquidate their losing investments in euro-denominated assets. Moreover, European money managers rebalanced their portfolios and reduced their euro exposure as their needs for hedging currency risk in Europe declined.
The Japanese Yen. The Japanese yen is the third most traded currency in the world; it has a much smaller international presence than the U.S. dollar or the euro. The yen is very liquid around the world, practically around the clock. The natural demand to trade the yen is concentrated mostly among the Japanese keiretsu, the economic and financial conglomerates. The yen is much more sensitive to the fortunes of the Nikkei index, the Japanese stock market, and the real estate market.
The British Pound.
Until the end of World War II, the pound was the currency of reference. The currency is heavily traded against the euro and the U.S. dollar, but has a spotty presence against other currencies. Prior to the introduction of the euro, both the pound benefited from any doubts about the currency convergence. After the introduction of the euro, Bank of England is attempting to bring the high U.K. rates closer to the lower rates in the euro zone. The pound could join the euro in the early 2000s, provided that the U.K. referendum is positive.
The Swiss Franc.
The Swiss franc is the only currency of a major European country that belongs neither to the European Monetary Union nor to the G-7 countries. Although the Swiss economy is relatively small, the Swiss franc is one of the four major currencies, closely resembling the strength and quality of the Swiss economy and finance. Switzerland has a very close economic relationship with Germany, and thus to the euro zone. Therefore, in terms of political uncertainty in the East, the Swiss franc is favored generally over the euro. Typically, it is believed that the Swiss franc is a stable currency. Actually, from a foreign exchange point of view, the Swiss franc closely resembles the patterns of the euro, but lacks its liquidity. As the demand for it exceeds supply, the Swiss franc can be more volatile than the euro.
Before trading Forex you need to set up an account with a Forex broker. So what exactly is a broker? In simplest terms, a broker is an individual or a company that buys and sells orders according to the trader's decisions. Brokers earn money by charging a commission or a fee for their services. You may feel overwhelmed by the number of brokers who offer their services online. Deciding on a broker requires a little bit of research on your part, but the time spent will give you insight into the services that are available and fees charged by various brokers. Is the Forex broker regulated? When selecting a prospective Forex broker, find out with which regulatory agencies it is registered with. The Forex market is labeled as an "unregulated" market, and it basically is. Regulation is typically reactive, meaning only after you’ve been bamboozled out of your entire savings will something be done. In the United States a broker should be registered as a Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) and a NFA member. The CFTC and NFA were made to protect the public against fraud, manipulation, and abusive trade practices.
You can verify Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) registration and NFA membership status of a particular broker and check their disciplinary history by phoning NFA at (800) 621-3570 or by checking the broker/firm information section (BASIC) of NFA's Web site at Among the registered firms, look for those with clean regulatory records and solid financials. Stay away from non-regulated firms! The NFA is stepping up their efforts in educating investors about retail forex trading. They’ve created a brochure fit for a Pulitzer Prize called, "Trading in the Retail Off-Exchange Foreign Currency Market". The NFA recommends you read it before taking the forex plunge. They’ve also developed a Forex Online Learning Program, an interactive self-directed program explaining how retail forex contracts are traded, the risks inherent in forex trading and steps individuals should take before opening a forex account. Both the brochure and the online learning program are available at no charge to the public. Customer Service Forex is a 24-hour market, so 24-hour support is a must! Can you contact the firm by phone, email, chat, etc.? Do the reps seem knowledgeable? The quality of support can vary drastically from broker to broker, so be sure to check them out before opening an account. Here’s a good tip: choose several online brokers and contact their help desks. Seeing how quickly they respond to your questions can be key in gauging how they will respond to your needs. If you don't get a speedy reply and a satisfactory answer to your question, you certainly wouldn't want to trust them with your business. Just be aware that as in other types of businesses, pre-sales service might be better than post-sales service.
Trading with brokers. Foreign exchange brokers, unlike equity brokers, do not take positions for themselves; they only service banks. Their roles are to bring together buyers and sellers in the market, to optimize the price they show to their customers and quickly, accurately, and faithfully executing the traders' orders. The majority of the foreign exchange brokers execute business via phone using an open box system — a microphone in front of the broker that continuously transmits everything he or she says on the direct phone lines to the speaker boxes in the banks.
This way, all banks can hear all the deals being executed. Because of the open box system used by brokers, a trader is able to hear all prices quoted; whether the bid was hit or the offer taken; and the following price. What the trader will not be able to hear is the amounts of particular bids and offers and the names of the banks showing the prices. Prices are anonymous. The anonymity of the banks that are trading in the market ensures the market's efficiency, as all banks have a fair chance to trade.
Sometimes brokers charge a commission that is paid equally by the buyer and the seller. The fees are negotiated on an individual basis by the bank and the brokerage firm. Brokers show their customers the prices made by other customers, either two-way (bid and offer) prices or one way (bid or offer) prices from his or her customers. Traders show different prices because they "read" the market differently; they have different expectations and different interests. A broker who has more than one price on one or both sides will automatically optimize the price. In other words, the broker will always show the highest bid and the lowest offer. Therefore, the market has access to an optimal spread possible. Fundamental and technical analyses are used for forecasting the future direction of the currency. A trader might test the market by hitting a bid for a small amount to see if there is any reaction. Another advantage of the brokers' market is that brokers might provide a broader selection of banks to their customers. Some European and Asian banks have overnight desks so their orders are usually placed with brokers who can deal with the American banks, adding to the liquidity of the market.
Direct dealing. Direct dealing is based on trading reciprocity. A market maker—the bank making or quoting a price — expects the bank that is calling to reciprocate with respect to making a price when called upon. Direct dealing provides more trading discretion, as compared to dealing in the brokers' market. Sometimes traders take advantage of this characteristic. Direct dealing used to be conducted mostly on the phone. Phone dealing was error-prone and slow. Dealing errors were difficult to prove and even more difficult to settle. Direct dealing was forever changed in the mid- 1980s, by the introduction of dealing systems. Dealing systems are on-line computers that link the contributing banks around the world on a one-on-one basis. The performance of dealing systems is characterized by speed, reliability, and safety. Dealing systems are continuously being improved in order to offer maximum support to the dealer's main function: trading.
The software is rather reliable in picking up the big figure of the exchange rates and the standard value dates. In addition, it is extremely precise and fast in contacting other parties, switching among conversations, and accessing the database. The trader is in continuous visual contact with the information exchanged on the monitor. It is easier to see than hear this information, especially when switching among conversations. Most banks use a combination of brokers and direct dealing systems. Both approaches reach the same banks, but not the same parties, because corporations, for instance, cannot deal in the brokers' market. Traders develop personal relationships with both brokers and traders in the markets, but select their trading medium based on price quality, not on personal feelings. The market share between dealing systems and brokers fluctuates based on market conditions. Fast market conditions are beneficial to dealing systems, whereas regular market conditions are more beneficial to brokers.
Matching systems. Unlike dealing systems, on which trading is not anonymous and is conducted on a one-on-one basis, matching systems are anonymous and individual traders deal against the rest of the market, similar to dealing in the brokers' market. However, unlike the brokers' market, there are no individuals to bring the prices to the market, and liquidity may be limited at times.
Matching systems are well-suited for trading smaller amounts as well. The dealing systems' characteristics of speed, reliability, and safety are replicated in the matching systems. In addition, credit lines are automatically managed by the systems. Traders input the total credit line for each counterparty. When the credit line has been reached, the system automatically disallows dealing with the particular party by displaying credit restrictions, or shows the trader only the price made by banks that have open lines of credit. As soon as the credit line is restored, the system allows the bank to deal again. In the inter-bank market, traders deal directly with dealing systems, matching systems, and brokers in a complementary fashion
Secret Recipe for the Ultimate Business
Here are the SECRET ingredients needed to create the ultimate business: You Computer Internet connection Desk (or sofa) That’s it! No employees. No advertising. No cold calling. No inventory. Imagine a business with just you, your computer, and a high-speed Internet connection?! That’s all you need trade in the foreign exchange market!! A properly trained Forex trader can potentially earn BIG PROFITS in every single month, week, or day! (Of course a poorly trained Forex trader can suffer BIG LOSSES as well.) Let’s continue with the TOP SECRET directions: Walk about ten steps and
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