How To Prevent Getting Scammed
Step One:
Use the following Whois Lookup sites to find out the Web Owner details information:
Lookup IP Address
Lookup Internet Service Provider (ISP)
Lookup IP Address belongs to (Organization)
Lookup Country
Lookup Continent
Lookup State
Lookup City
Lookup Latitude
Lookup Longitude
Lookup Timezone
Lookup Registrant (website registered address, person contacts & etc.)
Step Two:
Before participate the Web Program, review Web Owner Site's operation location, and ascertain you fill comfortable with the Web Site. In any event of defaulted by the Web Owner, you can locate them & have them report to Internet Fraud Authority.
Step Three:
Search Internet Service Provider (ISP), and IP Address belongs to (Organization) email contact and record down. In any event of defaulted by Web Owner, you can file a complaint and has Scammer Site report to the ISP against them for abuse of Internet Fraud (obtained an information here is good enough to put Web Site liar in hot soup. With this power tool you can force the Scammer close up his Web Site or shutdown by ISP neither.)
Step Four:
If you got deceived, submit full details of the Web Site details information (refer to step one) with your e-payment confirmation and file a complaint email to the followings to alert the relevant authorities of the Internet Fraud:
1. Internet Fraud Coordinator:
2. International Web Police:
3. ISP Provider; abuse@........ (refer to Step One, search the abuse email contact of ISP Provider /and IP Address belongs to...and complaint of web site Network abuse).
4. Locate authority (refer to web Registrant station address, search on Internet to locate of country authority; such as "address/state police" or "(country) government authority".
5. E-gold Service & CC to Web Site Owner.
The Authority information sites for 1, 2 & 3 are:
Lastly to say; an investor should take note on Web Site's ISP registered at un-privileged country, in any event of cheated you can address your problem to the locate authority /or police station to expose the cheater web site. If possible put on forum page to draw attention to other investor help to obtain email contact of the locate police authority.
High Yield Investment Programs
The entire high yield investment program scene is thought by many to be seriously over-hyped. This broad scene is full of somewhat extravagant and over-optimistic claims. While some of these are overwhelmingly ridiculous; others have a cleverly contrived ring of feasibility shining through them. You would be very lucky if 3% of the offers you will come across deliver anything even close to what they are promising you.
Some of these offers will probably even fall in a heap before they even get started. There are no guarantees to any of them. You should probably realize now that you are going to end up trashing about 20 times as many high yield investment program offers as you are going to actually seriously consider. Anything dealing with hi yield is risky, and you will discover that many offers you run into will fail to deliver what you're seeking.
The fact of the matter has always remained the same; any type of high yield or fast growth opportunity will always pose risks. If it was simple to acquire large profits in a short amount of time, everyone would be a millionaire. The main reason is that high yields and fast growth in any financial system will always be accompanied by high risk and consequent failure.
Out there in the commercial world, there are many opportunities to make high profits. A lot of these opportunities come with very high risks. Most of them also require a lot of capital in order to make them work. Anyone who sees a high yield investment program opportunity needs to cover all of their bases, by involving other people such as investors or shareholders.
Make no mistake about it; high yield investment program opportunity's can bring great profits. In the conventional stock market, there is room to question whether there is any safer or more controllable way; hence the growing popularity of this form of investment. When compared to other means of investment, this is a very popular and widely chosen method to help cash in on the benefits.
The bottom line with any high yield investment program is that you should always be prepared that risks are involved. No matter what type of risk it may be, it is always going to be there. You could double your money in no time at all, then turn around the following week and lose everything. Nothing is guaranteed to happen.
Anyone that is familiar with high yield investment program opportunities will tell you that you have the chance of making some big bucks. As long as you take the proper precaution and approach everything in the right fashion, you have a better chance. What you do with your investment, is entirely up to you.
High Yield Investing
When it comes to High Yield Investing, we have all seen the offers that promise to pay sky high returns for what seems to be the best extremely risky propositions. At worse, these propositions are pure frauds. There's a lot that can be said about investing, and many things that you should be on the lookout for. High Yield can be very beneficial, but also full of hot air.
When you hear about something to do with High Yield, keep in mind that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Make sure you compare promised yields with current returns on well known stock indexes. Any investment opportunity that is claiming you will get more could be a very high risk. Choosing to invest in this high risk will probably cause you to lose money.
When an investment offers guaranteed returns, always make sure to check into it. Each and every investment carries some degree of risk, and the level of risk will typically fluctuate with the return you should expect to receive. Low risk will usually mean low yields; while high yields will usually involve high risk. If the money you have invested is safe, you will more than likely get a low return. Check into everything with High Yield Investing, and don't believe everything that you hear.
Before you choose a company for your High Yield Investing, make sure that you check the company out before you invest. If you are not familiar with a company, broker, or adviser, spend some time checking out everything they offer before you invest. Taking the time to research a company, could be the overall difference maker when it comes to a high risk investment.
Most public companies that deal with High Yield Investment make electronic filings with the SEC. These are basically computerized databases that are used to check out brokers and advisers. Each state securities regulator may even have additional information. If you're searching for an investment opportunity, and a firm only lists a P.O. Box, you will want to do a lot of researching before you send your money.
If an investment you have discovered is that good, it will wait. Scam artists like to try and create a sense of urgency; implying that if you don't act right away, you will miss out of a tremendous opportunity. If you're feeling under pressure to invest, the best thing to do would be to say no. This way, you will keep your money instead of just throwing it away.
To better achieve your goals with High Yield Investing, you should make sure that you understand your investments. When it comes to scam artists, they like to use a lot of big words and technical sounding combinations to try and impress you. Don't lose your sense of mind, and always have faith in yourself. If you don't fully understand an investment, don't buy it.
Remembering these things when it comes to High Yield Investing, will help you to ensure you get the most out of your experience. When it comes to investing, always remember to take your time and fully understand the investment at hand.
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