All About Stock Market
A stock market simulation game is a good way to their investment in the skills to invest before they "really" money in the stock market.
The simulation games are often played on the Internet where people can live, the excitement, to invest in shares without risks, costs or afraid to lose money when and whether they are a bad investment.
Many teachers and professors of banking and finance are using the stock market simulation games to their students the basics of investment in shares. The largest stock market simulation games with a fee to start, but there are some who are not charged. It must not be prior knowledge about the stock market for membership.
It is the Stock Exchange and the simulation games in general:
First, the players. After registration, the player an amount of the initial "virtual" money to invest in companies of their choice. Players, a portfolio of shares to buy and sell operations in the company. Most exchanges use of simulation games in real-time data on the market.
The goal of most stock markets of simulation games is simple:
To increase the value of his portfolio in equities higher than the other players of the game.
Here are some tips on choosing a stock market simulation game:
• Choose a stock market simulation game, which is used and recommended by prestigious universities, schools, colleges, associations, investment brokers in the areas of training, teaching courses and other groups of people who study the markets of the United States. UU. and in the world.
• Choose a stock market simulation game that is simple and fully in the implementation throughout the economy, investment or class. A good stock market simulation game should be included in the trading stocks, options, futures, mutual funds, the obligations of the United States and many of the largest markets.
• Choose a stock market simulation game, which is a useful, reliable and realistic simulation of negotiations at a reasonable price to members and others who are interested to know more about the investment and trade. The game simulation should have a certain capacity for a variety of tests of investment strategies.
• Choose a stock market simulation game that a number without fees from the customer service telephone number and an excellent e-mail. The role of support should be able quickly to issues affecting the members / players have May.
• Choose a stock market simulation game that is easy to use and easy to learn, even those who have never been a real hands of the investment.
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