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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it ...

The Best HYIP

HYIP, which stands for High Yield Investment Program is just what it sounds like, a program offering a high yield investment. HYIP's are offering probably the most profitable investments available today. Interest rates of up to 100% a monthis not uncommon. In general the interest rates are ranging anywhere between 5 - 250% a month.

HYIP's are using different investment strategies. Some invest in stocks, others in property. There are even HYIPs investing in other HYIPs. Probably there are also programs that are not investing at all. These belong to the scammers. You'll read more about unserious HYIPs further down this text.

Most HYIP's use different e-currencies as their way of accepting funds from members. E-gold is undoubtedly the most commonly used one hence the many program names containing "Gold" or "E-gold". E-currencies makes instant and secure money transfers possible online and have very much paved the way for HYIP's.

The phenomenon of Hyips is growing bigger and bigger on the internet today. Every day new programs are being launched. Lots of people are earning fortunes investing in these programs.

Sounds too good to be true?

Well, while the statements above are not lies, they don't give you the whole picture. Many program owners are scammers. Their only will is to run with your money. There are more scams out there than serious long term programs.Over the years large amounts of people have lost their money as a result of being involved in High Yield Investment Programs.

Given the fact that the HYIP industry is a very risky one, most people are very hesitant when it comes to investing in HYIP's - which is legitimate. However, not being aware of the risks is the main reason why people are losing their money. There is a great number of cases where people have thought they've found an incredible opportunity and gladly invested their entire fortune. When the programs later went out of business, the consequences have been devastating.

Internet Investment Scams

When it comes to investment opportunities you learn about on the Internet; you should be very skeptical of internet investment scams. When you come across an offer on the Internet, you should always assume that it\'s a scam until you have done the proper research and prove the offer otherwise. You could come across offers on a company\'s website, an online newsletter, a message board, or a chat room.

Before you invest you should always get the facts first, and invest money only if you can afford to lose. If you can\'t afford to lose any money, you really shouldn\'t invest in an online opportunity. While there are hi yields that can be made, you also have the opportunity to lose everything that you have invested.

Before you invest any of your money, make sure you get the facts first. You should only invest money, if you can afford to lose any. You can avoid these internet investment scams, simply by paying attention to everything that is provided to you. Below, you will find some tips that are designed to help you protect yourself, and your investment.

Is the investment registered? That is a big question, one that should be asked anytime you come across an internet investment. To answer this question, check the SEC\'s EDGAR database. There are some smaller companies that don\'t have to register their securities offerings with the SEC, so always make sure you check with your state securities regulator. You can find this number in the government section of your phone book. If you can\'t find it, call the North American Securities Association (NASAAA) at 1-202-737-0900.

Many internet investment scams involve unregistered securities. Keep in mind however, the fact that a company has registered and files reports with the SEC, doesn\'t necessarily mean that the company will be a good investment. On the other hand, the fact that a company hasn\'t registered and doesn\'t file reports doesn\'t mean that the company is a fraud.

If you invest in a small, thinly traded company that isn\'t widely known, you could be asking for serious losses. To prevent the loss of your money on a scam, make sure you call your state regulator.

To help you out more, find out if the person or firm that is selling the investment needs to be licensed. Make a call to your state securities regulator and ask whether the person or firm is licensed to do business in your state and whether or not they have a record of fraud or complaints. A simple call to the NASD public disclosure hotline at 1-800-289-9999 will allow you to get this information.

Before you part with your hard earned money, make sure that you fully understand the investment. Always ask questions, and carefully read any information that is provided to you. This way, you can avoid internet investment scams.

Although there are unserious players in all markets, the HYIP arena seem to have more of them than many other industries. The reason for this is the big amounts of money involved and the fact that it's pretty easy to steal money on the net.

Taking both the negative and positive aspects of High Yield Investments into consideration, the conclusion is; If done right, High Yield Investments can be extremely lucrative.

This is where we come into play. We are constantly studying and researching the market. We are also investing in a number of HYIP's to be able to analyze them and keep track of their payments.